Dentist in Sunrise, FL
Westgate Dental
Friendly Staff. Beautiful Smiles. Welcoming Environment.
Canine exposure has nothing to do with leaving your dog outside, exposed to the elements. It is a procedure to expose impacted teeth. An impacted tooth is one that has not erupted in the mouth but instead becomes stuck in the surrounding bone or tissue. Any tooth may become impacted, but generally, the wisdom teeth and canine teeth are the most likely candidates. Canine teeth are critical for function. The mouth will also appear aesthetically odd without the canines. The procedure is quite simple. It involves the dentist cutting a small hole in the gum, which allows the tooth to erupt. The dentist also uses a dental brace to guide the tooth into its correct position.
Impacted teeth are sometimes obvious to the naked eye, but in some instances, an –x-ray is necessary to identify the extent of the impaction. Many times, there is an impacted canine tooth where the baby tooth remains in the mouth. A loose tooth is also a sign that an impacted tooth may be present.
Impacted canines can occur at different positions in your mouth which are relative to their ideal location. Thus the technique that is put to use to expose the concerned tooth is really very important.
This is because it will ensure the correct eruption of the tooth along with the health of the gum tissues surrounding it.
At Westgate Dental, we will take care of it all. Our experienced dentist and other medical staff will make the treatment procedure very convenient for you. So if you are facing any such problems or wish to know more about canine exposure, then call us immediately at 954-389-9600.
To schedule your appointment for Westgate Dental, please call our dental office at 954-389-9600