Dentist in Sunrise, FL
Westgate Dental
Friendly Staff. Beautiful Smiles. Welcoming Environment.
A frenulum is a piece of tissue that prevents an organ from moving. There is a frenulum that attaches your upper lip to the gums, while another connects the lower lip to the gums. A frenulum that is too short or thick, will cause problems in speech patterns and tooth misalignment. In infants, a shortened frenulum underneath the tongue will inhibit breastfeeding. When the frenulum disrupts movement, growth, or development, corrective action is necessary to resolve the situation.
There are many reasons why parents choose frenectomy for their children of different ages. Both lingual and maxillary ties can cause problems in infants mainly for breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. Possible symptoms can include tongue-tie or lip-tie which can interrupt their breast latching along with excessive gassiness. Parents thus are opting for frenectomy so that their child can get a good seal while eating, For grown-ups, the procedure can cure eating and speech problems. Your dentist might also recommend this treatment as a part of your overall orthodontic treatment.
A frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure that is performed in your dentist’s office. It can be performed with either a scalpel or laser and takes less than 15 minutes. Using a laser causes very little bleeding and does not require stitches. A laser also results in less postoperative discomfort and shorter healing time. Young children and infants are put under general anesthesia for the procedure and adults have the procedure performed using local anesthesia. If your child needs a frenectomy, there is nothing to worry about. The procedure is very successful and causes minimal discomfort.
To schedule your appointment with a dentist in Weston / Sunrise, please call Westgate Dental office at 954-389-9600